9 Benefits of Massage Therapy

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Massage therapy is much more than deep relaxation; it is a full physiological treatment designed to aid the body in every way. As traditional and holistic approaches for health and wellness are increasing in popularity, so is massage therapy. Massage therapy has a long history of providing various health benefits for those who regularly receive treatment. The science behind massage therapy produces both instant and long-term physical and mental health benefits.

As the owner of Elemental Theraputics, I have dedicated hundreds of hours of continued physiological education in order to apply deep knowledge to your individual needs. Through every session, I strive to create a welcoming experience that leads to regenerative relaxation in a comforting environment. As an experienced massage therapist located in Colorado Springs, I have seen all of the benefits massage therapy provide including the nine most common benefits below.

Ease Insomnia

You may be struggling to get an adequate amount of sleep or have a hard time falling asleep at a beneficial time. We often overlook these problems as if they are common problems many of us deal with. Regular, healthy sleep cycles are vital for our bodies and mental health. Sleep offers your body a chance to recharge and repair itself from the stressful functions of everyday life. Massage therapy can boost your mood and sense of relaxation, making it a much easier process to fall asleep. Going to sleep relaxed with repaired muscles will reduce fatigue, as it promotes better quality sleep.

Improve Digestive Disorders

Our digestive systems can be impacted from various factors in our daily lives. Through dietary changes, strenuous exercises or stress, it is easy to disrupt our fragile digestive systems. If you suffer from digestive disorders, massage therapy is an excellent aid to add to your treatment plan. Massage therapy can help those who suffer from a variety of digestive issues such as acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and more. Massage therapy helps the nutrients and waste in our bodies to break down properly which, in turn, provides integral physical relief. Abdominal massage is another way to target your digestion directly to help regulate bowel movements. Massage not only helps get rid of toxins; it also increases the release of enzymes which are both vital for a healthy digestive system.

Enhance Cognitive Function & Mental Health

Cognitive functioning refers to multiple mental abilities including: learning, remembering, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, decision making, and attention. If you are having trouble or frustrations with any of those functions, you are not alone. Fortunately, massage therapy has shown incredible improvement for both short-term and long-term memory. When tense muscles are relaxed through massage, it not only eases stress, but also improves thinking and efficient work. Massage lowers the level of the stress hormone, cortisol, which is responsible for depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. Positive emotions, which can be achieved through massage therapy techniques, typically are related to better thinking and memory.

Increase Flexibility

Proper massage therapy is rooted in physiology, so it is often comparable to exercise. Incorporating regular massage sessions is an excellent way to incorporate deep, meaningful stretches into your routine. By working on muscles, tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints, massage can improve both your flexibility and range of motion. Massage helps your joints to be more fluid, decreasing the chance of injury. Additionally, massage is an excellent source to relax tense muscles while stimulating blood flow, therefore improving flexibility.

Alleviate Stress

Proper stress management is necessary to obtain an overall healthy lifestyle. When stress levels are high, muscles tighten up in response. If you are constantly stressed, your muscles are more likely to stay slightly, or in the worst case, permanently tense. Stress can be related to many other body issues including irritability, weight gain, sleep problems, and more. Massage relaxes and loosen those tense muscles, while reducing other body related concerns.

Pain Management

Whether your pain originates from an injury, work life, or chronic disorder, it is important to find a pain management regimen that suits your needs. Massage therapy is an excellent way to decrease pain and chronic stiffness significantly, especially for patients who have Fibromyalgia, back pain, head pain, and neck pain. Although pain varies for every individual, different forms of massage can target specific pains. In regards to pain management, massage therapy has been shown to be more efficient than standard medical care with longer lasting results.

Enhance Immunity

If you are prone to illness, massage may be the perfect holistic approach to boost your immune system. The stimulation of the lymph nodes revitalizes the body’s natural defense system. Massage increases circulation throughout the body, increasing the activity level of white blood cells that fight off infections. The increase in white blood cells helps strengthen both the immune system and cognitive functions.

Lower Blood Pressure

There are many factors that can contribute to your high blood pressure, ranging from hereditary to dietary and lifestyle conditions. Regular massages have the ability to reduce blood pressure. Going through a consistent massage program can reduce both systolic and diastolic results. The abundance of benefits from reducing blood pressure include: decreased risk of heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure, and more. High blood pressure can trigger anxiety, depression, and tension; integrating massage therapy sessions can be a perfect way to help alleviate mental health issues as well.

Eliminate Toxins

While our bodies are designed to remove toxins, there are often too many for our body to naturally regulate. Toxins are produced from bacteria, animals, and even plants. Stimulating the soft tissues in the body promotes increased blood flow, which can help release any toxins in the body through blood and lymphatic systems. Massage can help the rid the body of toxins while increasing the release of enzymes. 

Benefits Tailored To Your Needs | Elemental Theraputics

At Elemental Theraputics, I strive to connect with you during every session to ensure that my process is tailored specifically to your preferences as well as your body’s needs. While I’ve observed countless benefits provided by proper massage therapy, I also understand the importance of respecting an individual’s physiological needs and goals. Connect with me to start an open, approachable conversation about how massage therapy can benefit your lifestyle.